No daily minimum flight time.

$134.00 per TACH hour "wet".

$123.00 per month dues.

Our yearly [flight time + dues] "break even" point compared to local FBO rates is as follows:

   10 - 13 hours in a Cessna 172SP

   18 hours in a Piper Archer III

If you fly at least 20 hours a year, we are the best choice.

AFFORDABLE Flying - 2024-25

Our Plane

FLYING MAGAZINE rated the Grumman Tiger as one of five underrated stars in its January 2015 issue.

"At 135 knots, it's a good performer, almost 10 percent faster than the competition with about the same fuel burn. It is a great cross-country airplane for a pilot with a small family, as it has plenty of room for young kids, great visibility thanks to the big glass sliding canopy, and a decent payload".
Our Tiger has flown to the Bahamas; Key West, FL;  Oshkosh, WI;

Bangor, ME & Toronto, Canada.

Over the past 15 years we have continually made upgrades and improvements commensurate with our passion for flying and safety. 

We take great pride in all we do.

For a Flying Club airplane, our Tiger is best in the world.

2023 - "Fine tooth comb" Annual at Fletchair in Texas

2020 - New Paint

2019 - Garmin GFC 500 Autopilot installed

2018 - New powder coated instrument panel. Garmin GTN 650; G5 AI; G5 HSI; PMA 450B audio panel; all new switches, breakers & panel lighting.

2017 - Penn Yan Engine overhaul; Electroair Electronic ignition.

2016 - Garmin GNC 255A navcomm & Garmin GTX 345 ADS-B Transponder replace Bendix King components.

2015 - New ABS interior trim, New headliner; SoundEx composite soundproofing; USB charger jacks.

2011 - Factory Annual Inspection.

2010 - KT 73 Mode S transponder; KMA 28 Audio Panel; JPI EDM 830 color display; Alpha Systems AOA indicator; Mitchell Engine gauges; New Rosewood panel overlay. 

2009 - New leather seats and front side panels; new carpet; new seat belts; XeVision HID landing light.

2008 - Engine overhaul

2001- KLN 94 Color Map IFR GPS; S-Tec 20 Autopilot; KX 165 w/GS;  JPI EDM 800 engine monitor; Tannis preheater; Whelen Strobes; all new windows; all new wiring - panel to spinner.